A downloadable game for Windows

Speeding Colors, is a simple game for avoiding obstacles and collecting rewards 

V0.0.1 the version is only about the base game 

what game offer at this state:

- Dodge obstacles for 3 minutes to win the game (no win animation yet)

- When you touch any obstacles, you die

- You can play again or quit

- The game is only for Windows at the moment


1) i was working on this game with my brother for Android, and we actually created a game in unity but i wanted to have it with the pixel art as i much prefer the pixel art so i learned the godot 4 and started working on it, It took me a week to create this base game (not full time i was working like 2 or 3 hours a day) This is why you will find the game title speeding color remake - the game still have so many mechanics and so many features but i just wanted to share it so i can get as many feed back as possible So please, any suggestion you have that could help me make it better are pretty much appreciated and of course, any support is much appreciated

2) i know many basics are already missing from the game, such as audio so expect weekly to monthly updates (no more than a month, no less than a week) for changes adding missing features 

3) i created all the assets myself as i like pixel art and like drawing, expect for the map i used a tile map from https://devworm.itch.io/survival-game-godot-4-series-art, as a place holder for now and will change it later so please your feed back on the art as well :D

4) i will be posting my art as well for usage if you want it but not all, just one by one

5) ty all for your feed back and support in advance Much appreciated :)


SpeedingColors_V0.0.1.zip 24 MB

Install instructions

unzip the file and run the .exe file, then have fun

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